Characteristics of t lymphocyte content according to oxidative stress and antioxidant activity in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and COVID-19 infection


  • Serghei GHINDA ISMP Institute of Phthisiopulmunology "Chiril Draganiuc"
  • Elena TUDOR ISMP Institute of Phthisiopulmunology "Chiril Draganiuc"
  • Tatiana OSIPOV ИП государственный университет медицины и фармации им. Николае Тестемицану
  • Valentina KIROSHKA ISMP Institute of Phthisiopulmunology "Chiril Draganiuc"
  • Valeriana PANTEA IP State University of Medicine and pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu"
  • Valentin GUDUMAC IP State University of Medicine and pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu"
  • Albina BRUMARU ISMP Institute of Phthisiopulmunology "Chiril Draganiuc"



pulmonary tuberculosis, COVID-19 infection, immunology, biochemistry


In order to study the particularities of T lymphocyte content depending on the indicators of oxidative stress and antioxidant activity, in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in association with COVID-19 coinfection, 42 patients were examined,of which: a) baseline - 21 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and co-infection COVID-19, b) control group - 21 patientswith pulmonary tuberculosis. At the patients included in the study, there were determined the leukocyte formula, the level ofCD3, CD4, CD8 lymphocytes, the oxidative stress reaction as well as the antioxidant activity. As a result, it was determinedthat at patients with tuberculosis and COVID-19 coinfection: as the content of lymphocytes, and in particular, T lymphocytesdecreases at patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and COVID-19 co-infection, the degree of oxidative damage of proteinsand the predisposition of lipoproteins to oxidation increases significantly according to the data of the AOPP marker and theindicator of malonic dialdehyde of oxidative stress (malonic dialdehyde - DAM), which indicates the severity of oxidativestress reactions at these patients. The total antioxidant activity, determined by the ATS method at patients with pulmonarytuberculosis and COVID-19 co-infection, was significantly reduced, and according to the CUPRAC method it increasedsignificantly as the content of lymphocytes and, in particular, lymphocytes decreased. The enzyme superoxide dismutase(SOD), catalase and the activity of the antioxidant protein ceruloplasmin at patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and COVID-19 decreased significantly as the content of lymphocytes and, in particular, T lymphocytes decreased.Thus, the parameters of oxidative stress and antioxidant activity can be considered potential biomarkers markers ofthe evolution of pulmonary tuberculosis in association with COVID-19 infection.

Author Biographies

Serghei GHINDA, ISMP Institute of Phthisiopulmunology "Chiril Draganiuc"

dr. hab. în șt. med., prof. cercet.

Elena TUDOR, ISMP Institute of Phthisiopulmunology "Chiril Draganiuc"

dr. în șt. med., conf. cercet., membru-coresp. AȘMM

Tatiana OSIPOV, ИП государственный университет медицины и фармации им. Николае Тестемицану


Valentina KIROSHKA, ISMP Institute of Phthisiopulmunology "Chiril Draganiuc"

dr. în șt. biol, conf. cercet

Valeriana PANTEA, IP State University of Medicine and pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu"

cercet. științific

Valentin GUDUMAC, IP State University of Medicine and pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu"

dr. hab. în șt. med., prof. univer.

Albina BRUMARU, ISMP Institute of Phthisiopulmunology "Chiril Draganiuc"

dr. în șt. med, conf. cercet


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Research Article