Epidemiological indicators of tuberculosis in Chisinau and particularities of diagnosed with tuberculosis patients.


  • Vasile POPA Department of pneumophthisiology, State University of Medicine and pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu”, Republic Of Moldova;Municipal Hospital of Phthisiopneumology, mun. Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova
  • Carmina PALADII Department of pneumophthisiology, State University of Medicine and pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu”, Republic Of Moldova;Municipal Hospital of Phthisiopneumology, mun. Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova
  • Marina STANCEVA Муниципальная больница фтизиопульмонологии, Мун. Кишинев, Республика Молдова
  • Alina MALIC IP Department of pneumoftiziology, State University of Medicine and pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu", Republic Of Moldova
  • Evelina LESNIC IP Department of pneumoftiziology, State University of Medicine and pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu", Republic Of Moldova




epidemiology, tuberculosis, management


The study had the aim to identify the clinical and microbiological peculiarities of patients diagnosed with tuberculosis. Material and methods: an analytical and retrospective study, which included 380 new cases of tuberculosis diagnosedin 2020 was performed. Results: the particularities of the patients were male sex, age between 25 and 44 years, lowsocio-economic status, tuberculous contact and co-morbidities. Microscopic positive were 17.4%, GeneXpert MTB/Rifpositive - 21.6%, RR/MDR TB was confirmed in 33 (8.7%) cases. Successfully completed the treatment 71.1%, 12.1%died and other low were in 10.8%. We conclude that although the epidemiological indicators have decreased, the particularities of the patients confirm the severity of the epidemiological situation in Chisinau.

Author Biographies

Vasile POPA, Department of pneumophthisiology, State University of Medicine and pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu”, Republic Of Moldova;Municipal Hospital of Phthisiopneumology, mun. Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova

dr. în șt.med

Carmina PALADII, Department of pneumophthisiology, State University of Medicine and pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu”, Republic Of Moldova;Municipal Hospital of Phthisiopneumology, mun. Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova

dr. în șt. med

Alina MALIC, IP Department of pneumoftiziology, State University of Medicine and pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu", Republic Of Moldova

dr.în șt. med.

Evelina LESNIC, IP Department of pneumoftiziology, State University of Medicine and pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu", Republic Of Moldova

dr. în șt. med.


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Hotărîrea Guvernului RM NR. 1160 din 20/10/2016, publicat în monitorul oficial nr.3690378 a fost a aprobat Programul Național de Control al Tuberculozei (Programul) pentru anii 2016-2020. https://www.legis.md/cautare/getResults?doc_id=95807&lang=ro

Centrul Național de Management în Sănătate. Notă informativă privind situația epidemiologică a tuberculozei, Chișinău, 2020. Valabil: https://simetb.ifp.md/Download/tbreps.excel/raport_2020

World Health Organization. Tuberculosis Report, 2020. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240013131

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Research Article