„The role of the Academician of ASMDM C. Țîbîrnă in the development of oncological surgery in various locations (head/neck, thoracoabdominal, liver surgery, etc.)”


  • Gheorghe TIBIRNA USMF „N. Testemiţanu”; IMSP Institutul Oncologic
  • Gheorghe DUCA USMF „N. Testemiţanu”; IMSP Institutul Oncologic
  • Eva GUDUMAC USMF „N. Testemiţanu”; IMSP Institutul Oncologic
  • Consuela Norina FORNA USMF „N. Testemiţanu”; IMSP Institutul Oncologic
  • Viorica VARODI USMF „N. Testemiţanu”; IMSP Institutul Oncologic
  • Andrei TIBIRNA USMF „N. Testemiţanu”; IMSP Institutul Oncologic
  • Nicolae GLADUN USMF „N. Testemiţanu”; IMSP Institutul Oncologic
  • Vladimir HOTINEANU USMF „N. Testemiţanu”; IMSP Institutul Oncologic
  • Adrian HOTINEANU USMF „N. Testemiţanu”; IMSP Institutul Oncologic




the Tîbîrnă academics, thyroid cancer, surgical treatment, personalized surgery


The idea of the state scientific program comes under the name „Modern personalized surgery in the diagnosis and complex treatment of tumors in children”. On March 24-25, 2022, at the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the National Scientific Conference with International Participation „Modern Personalized Surgery for Adults and Children. Surgery of the future”, dedicated to the Honorary Member of the ASM, university professor, illustrious surgeon Constantin Țîbîrnă, founder of the local surgery. C. Țîbîrnă, being a polyvalent surgeon, during his activity developed local oncological surgery in various locations (head-neck, thorocoabdominal, liver surgery, etc.). The following were analyzed: indices of mortality incidence and cancer prevalence in the Republic of Moldova during the years 1980-2020.Thus, during this period there was a clear increase in morbidity rates due to malignant tumors in the Republic of Moldova. In 1980, about 5860 of primary patients (149.0 per 10 0000 population) were registered. Over 30 years, in 2020 the number of patients will increase to 9391 (264.4 per 100,000 habitants). Mortality during this period had a stable increase. In 1980, 3515 patients died for malignant tumors (95.0 per 100,000 population), in 2020 mortality rates increased to 4867(136.9 per 100,000 population).Regarding the prevalence indices, it should be mentioned that in 1980, 26,715 of patients (668.3% 000) were registered in the Cancer Registry of the Republic of Moldova. In 2020, the prevalence indices was doubled - 50,980 (1433.9‰000). This index demonstrates to us the efficiency of the oncological assistance of the Oncological Institute team in the treatment of cancer in the Republic of Moldova.The existence of the European Society of Oncological Surgery (ESSO) as well as the World Federation of Surgical Oncology Societies (WFSOS) confirms the recognition of the specialty of oncological surgery.About 7,700 patients are treated annually for surgery. In the oncology clinic more than 65% perform typical operations. Wide and combined surgeries prevail in university clinics (360 patients). In his activity, the famous surgeon C. ȚÎbîrnă perfected the oncological surgery in the torocoabdominal region, at the Republican Clinical Hospital (prof. N. Gladun, acad. V. Hotineanu and prof. A. Hotineanu). In the Oncology Clinic he developed new methods of surgical treatment of local tumors spread in the head and neck region (acad. Gh. Ţîbîrnă and associate professor A. Țîbîrnă). As a result he proposed:To include in the current nomenclature of the Ministry of Health - „Overspecialization in cancer surgery”, which will create the legal framework for the operation of this specialty.To organize the Oncological Surgery Society of the Republic of Moldova and the oncological surgery department within USMF „N. Testemitanu”.

Author Biographies

Gheorghe TIBIRNA, USMF „N. Testemiţanu”; IMSP Institutul Oncologic

acad., dr. hab., prof. univ.

Gheorghe DUCA, USMF „N. Testemiţanu”; IMSP Institutul Oncologic

acad. dr. hab., prof. univ.

Eva GUDUMAC, USMF „N. Testemiţanu”; IMSP Institutul Oncologic

acad., dr. hab., prof. univ.

Consuela Norina FORNA, USMF „N. Testemiţanu”; IMSP Institutul Oncologic

dr., prof. univ., acad.

Viorica VARODI, USMF „N. Testemiţanu”; IMSP Institutul Oncologic

dr. în med., șef de secție

Andrei TIBIRNA, USMF „N. Testemiţanu”; IMSP Institutul Oncologic

conf. univ., dr. în med.

Nicolae GLADUN, USMF „N. Testemiţanu”; IMSP Institutul Oncologic

dr. hab., prof. univ.

Vladimir HOTINEANU, USMF „N. Testemiţanu”; IMSP Institutul Oncologic

acad., dr. hab., prof. univ.

Adrian HOTINEANU , USMF „N. Testemiţanu”; IMSP Institutul Oncologic

dr. hab., prof. univ.


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