Congenital bronchopulmonary malformation - tracheal bronchus in children
tracheal bronchus, congenital malformation, childrenAbstract
Imaging of the rib cage was analyzed by computed tomography (CT) in 14 children (mean age 3,5±1,25 years) with congenital malformation – tracheal bronchus. Tracheal bronchus was found in all children with an emergency on the right side. The malformed bronchus has a different origin: from the middle segment of the trachea, from the lower segment and in most children near the bifurcation of the trachea. This bronchial malformation is clinico-imaged by bronchopulmonary changes with pneumonic infiltration, fibrotic changes with matte glass imaging, segmental atelectasis and fibrotic changes, and some children are associated with other birth defects.
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