Clinical and morphopathological aspects af oral lichen planus.
Oral lichen planus, morphopathological examination, mucocutaneous conditionAbstract
Oral lichen planus is a chronic, mucocutaneous condition with an unidentified etiology. Women between the ages of 30 and 60 are most affected. The incidence rate for the entire population is 1-2%. Bilateral lesions are typically whitish, sometimes ulcerated. The importance of this condition is related to the frequency of occurrence, the clinical resemblance to other diseases of the mucosa, sometimes with persistent pain and the possible relationship with squamous cell carcinoma. There are several hypotheses regarding the etiology of these diseases, they include: the genetic factor, infectious, psychogenic and autoimmune. The diagnosis of oral plan lichen is made on the basis of clinical and morphopathological examination where information on changes in tissue and cells is obtained.
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