The effectiveness of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis, revascularization, reper- fusion, and monitoring of postischemic cerebral processes
ischemic stroke, revascularization, reperfusion, monitoringAbstract
Introduction. Ischemic cerebrovascular accident is a disease with an increasing incidence, a cause of death, and a disability problem, which requires research in the field of revascularization and reperfusion, and monitoring of postischemic cerebral changes. The aim of the work - is to carry out an analysis of the effectiveness of MRI in terms of diagnosis, revascularization of the ischemic surface, reperfusion over time, and post-ischemic brain stroke monitoring. Materials and methods. Brain MRI investigations of 2527 (100%) cases identified in the “MagnaMed” Medical Center during 2021 were analyzed. Ischemic stroke was established in 1541 (61%) patients. 122 MRIs were analyzed in terms of dynamic monitoring at the time of stroke, 7 days post-stroke, 180 days, and 360 days. Ischemic stroke diagnostic criteria, contrast agent revascularization, reperfusion, and recanalization criteria at the staged time were determined and analyzed. Conclusions: MRI identifies the processes of ischemia, revascularization, and reperfusion and can serve as a method of monitoring with specific criteria of the functional brain after stroke. Revascularization criteria established conclusive results at 7 days, 180 days, and 360 consecutive days.
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