Renal hemodynamics in patients with arterial hypertension. (Literature review)


  • Maria COCIU IMSP Institutul de Cardiologie; Clinica "Hipertensiuni arteriale”



resistant hypertension, target organ damage, renal arteries, renal hemodynamics, renal resistance index


Despite the obvious progress, the diversification of therapeutic possibilities and countless studies, hypertension is still often difficult to control. Unfortunately, the frequency of cases in which blood pressure does not reach the guideline targets is very high globally. The challenging concept of resistant hypertension represents a difficult situation in the practical approach.Being simultaneously a disease and a reducible risk factor for major cardiovascular events, we can point out that the correct approach to resistant hypertension marks one of the major goals in cardiology. Recent studies highlight the importance of the renal hemodynamics of the hypertensive patient with possible assessment of the evolution over time of renal function, target organ damage and the response to hypotensive treatment. Thus, both from a scientific point of view and for practical medicine, the identification of the peculiarities of renal hemodynamics in hypertensive patients resistant to treatment is of particular interest.

Author Biography

Maria COCIU, IMSP Institutul de Cardiologie; Clinica "Hipertensiuni arteriale”

doctorand, cercetător științific


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Research Article
