Diagnostic approach of orthostatic arterial hypertension
orthostatic hypertension, treatment, risk factorsAbstract
The first references regarding the term arterial orthostatic hypertension, which means the elevation of blood pressure values, when passing from clinoto orthostatism, date from the beginning of the 1940s [1]. Currently, there is no any consensus regarding the term orthostatic arterial hypertension, and there are few reports and studies on this subject, compared to orthostatic arterial hypotension, although both pathologies are assumed to be based on a common physiopathological mechanism - dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Because the definition of OHT differs from one study to another, the development of a consensus is problematic. Specific recommendations regarding the treatment of orthostatic arterial hypertension have not been drawn up, as the evidence regarding the treatment of this patology is based only on limited non-randomized studies. The aim of this article is to systematize data from the literature regarding the definition, establishment of diagnosis and pathophysiological of orthostatic hypertension.
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