Stages of implementation of the National Tuberculosis Registry in the Republic of Tajikistan


  • Oktam BOBOHODJAEV GO "Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibni Sino"
  • Santan SHUKUROV State Institution "Republican Educational and Clinical Center of Family Medicine"
  • Saeora SAIDOVA GO " Universitatea Medicală de Stat din Tadjikistan numită după Abuali ibni Sino"
  • Suraie PULATOVA GO "Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibni Sino"



national tuberculosis register, statistical report, tuberculosis


The implementation of the National TB Registry in the Republic of Tajikistan ensured the high-quality collection, storage and transmission of statistical information from all regions of the country to the State Institution “Republican Center for the Protection of the Population from Tuberculosis”. The National TB Registry has significantly improved the reporting process, including obtaining timely information on various requests: Ensured the collection, storage, processing of data on TB patients with drug-sensitive and resistant forms; Contributed to the generation of standard statistical reports and ensuring the timely exchange of data on TB patients between TB institutions at various levels; Improved information reliability control; Provided a stable mechanism for the exchange of information between laboratories and clinical service; Provided analysis of information for management decisions and in scientific research.The National TB Registry allows timely receipt of laboratory test results, which, in particular, significantly reduces the time interval from the moment of diagnosis to admission for treatment, and contributes to an increase in the reliability of registration of chemotherapy outcomes. The national TB registry has sufficient potential for further improvement.

Author Biographies

Oktam BOBOHODJAEV, GO "Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibni Sino"

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Phthisiologist; Department of Phthisiopulmonology

Santan SHUKUROV, State Institution "Republican Educational and Clinical Center of Family Medicine"

head of the Educational Department

Saeora SAIDOVA, GO " Universitatea Medicală de Stat din Tadjikistan numită după Abuali ibni Sino"

assistente; dipartimenti di Ftisiopulmonologia

Suraie PULATOVA, GO "Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibni Sino"

Applicant; Department of Phthisiopulmonology


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Research Article
