Tuberculosis among labor migrants in the Republic of Tajikistan
tuberculosis, migrants, labor migrationAbstract
In the structure of patients with tuberculosis, labor migrants in 2021 in the Republic of Tajikistan amounted to 16.9%. Among labor migrants with tuberculosis there were men - 85.0%, most of whom were young people aged 19-29 years. Of the total number of TB patients, identified in 2021who was in migration, 68.6% suffered from pulmonary forms of tuberculosis, 73.9% of which were bacterial excretory. Among labor migrants, 79.0% of patients suffered from an infiltrative form, 10.1% - focal, 4.6% - disseminated, tuberculoma - 4.2%, extrapulmonary forms of tuberculosis were detected in 10.6% of cases.
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