Mortality of tuberculosis patients through associated diseases and other causes
tuberculosis , death, associated diseasesAbstract
Study of the mortality of tuberculosis patients by associated diseases and other causes. Materials and methods. A comparative, retrospective analysis of 222 cases of death due to tuberculosis, associated diseases and other causes in the municipality of Chisinau in two time periods was carried out: period I (2001-2003) - 157 and period II (2018-2020) - 65 cases. Results. In period II, compared to period I, there was a shift in age towards 65+ (over 1/3 of cases); approximately½ cases of deaths were from retreatment cases; the infiltrative form of tuberculosis predominated; increased oncological pathology; the number of liver diseases has decreased, there have been cases of death after perforating gastric ulcer and COVID-19. In both periods, patients also died from other causes: In period I - septicemia - 2; road accidents -15, freezing- 8 and suicides - 2 cases; In period II- peritonitis -2, drowning - 2, frostbite - 2, drug overdose - 2 and suicide - 1 case.Conclusion. The most common associated diseases that contributed to the death of tuberculosis patients were: oncological pathology, diseases of the cardiac system, cerebral stroke.
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