Our experience in treating patients with bullous dystrophy complicated by pneumothorax


  • Rafic KERIMOV Research Institute of Pulmonary Diseases, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  • Fuad MAMEDOV Research Institute of Pulmonary Diseases, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  • Barat BAIRAMOV Research Institute of Pulmonary Diseases, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan




bullous lung disease, surgical treatment, complication, spontaneous pneumothorax


Bullous emphysema of the lung is a local alteration of lung tissue characterized by the destruction of alveolar septa and the formation of air cysts with a diameter of more than 0.5 cm (bullae), the walls of which are lined with alveolar epithelium (with lung tissue density below -860 HU). The aim of the study was to determine effective tactics and select a rational type of surgical intervention in cases of spontaneous pneumothorax where complete lung re-expansion was not achieved through drainage. It was found that men are affected 5-10 times more often than women, predominantly among patients with bronchopulmonary diseases. By draining the pleural cavity, complete lung re-expansion was achieved within 7-10 days in 273 patients (66.3%), within 11-30 days in 16 patients (3.9%), while 123 patients (29.9%) required surgical intervention for full lung re-expansion.

Author Biographies

Rafic KERIMOV, Research Institute of Pulmonary Diseases, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Fuad MAMEDOV, Research Institute of Pulmonary Diseases, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Candidate of Medical Sciences


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Research Article
