Systemic Approach to Reduce the Risk of Medical Errors


  • Serghei PISARENСO IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc"
  • Sofia ALEXANDRU IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc"
  • Ion HAIDARLÎ IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc"
  • Constantin PISARENCO International Free University of Moldova.
  • Mihaela MANEA IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc"



medical risks , quality of medical care, medico-legal consequences of medical errors


Background. Medical errors pose a significant problem. By learning from past mistakes, developing and applying preventive measures, we can reduce the risk of errors and their consequences in the provision of medical services. Objective of the study. Developing recommendations as systemic measures to reduce the risk of errors in providing medical care. Material and Methods. A synthesis was made of the experience in the medical and legal field, analyzing reports from internal quality audits of medical activities and relevant literature sources. Results and discussion. The risk of medical errors continues to be one of the main risks in the provision of medical care, including specialized assistance. The medical literature has accumulated a multitude of descriptions, classifications and causes of these errors. In order to reduce the risk of medical errors within the medical organization, a number of recommendations were developed in the form of planned systematic measures. The implementation of these measures led to an improvement in the quality of medical care, contributed to the prevention of medical errors, in which case the persons who committed them can be held civil and criminal liability. Conclusion. The implementation of the generalized recommendations in this study, in the form of planned systematic measures, effectively reduces the risk of medical errors, the frequency, and the severity of their medicolegal consequences.

Author Biographies

Serghei PISARENСO, IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc"

IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc"

Sofia ALEXANDRU, IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc"

Tuberculosis Specialist, M.M.S.P.

Ion HAIDARLÎ, IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc"

IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc"

Constantin PISARENCO, International Free University of Moldova.

PhD in Law, Assoc. Prof. Univ.

Mihaela MANEA, IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc"

PhD in Law, Assoc. Prof. Univ.


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