New approaches in cardiovascular risk estimation and stratification
Cardiovascular disease, Risk prediction, Risk assessment, Primary prevention, 10-Year CVD risk, Older persons, Diabetus MellitusAbstract
Cardiovascular diseases remain a significant and growing problem in the Republic of Moldova, representing more than half of all deaths and leading to significant morbidity. It is now recognized that the burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) can be ameliorated by vigorous risk reduction and primary prevention, which remain an important priority for all health policy developers. Being one of the European countries with a high risk for cardiovascular diseases, Moldova faces major difficulties in implementing CVD prevention measures both at the population and individual level. This article summarizes the main novelties of the guidelines for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), recently published, examining their positive aspects, but also their applicability to routine clinical practice, taking into account the socioeconomic characteristics of Moldova. Cardiovascular risk estimation is an essential step to reduce the onset of adverse cardiovascular events. For this purpose, the Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE) risk chart method was used in Europe. The effort to prevent atherosclerotic CVD is focused on identifying patients who would benefit mostly from the treatment of CVD risk factors.
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