Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.
Medical Sciences
ISSN 1857-0011 / https://doi.org/10.52692/1857-0011
Editor-in-Chief: Mereuta Ion, univ.,
Institutul de Fiziologie si Sanocreatologie,
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova,
[email protected]
Current Issue
Scientific Journal “Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Medical Sciences ”is a periodical scientific journal, focused on the reflection of discourses in medical and related sciences, being published quarterly by the ASM Bulletin . Medical Sciences (Editorial Office) .
Field of publication of the journal - medical sciences.
The year the journal was founded - 2005.
ISSN Code: 1857-0011.
Journal circulation: 4 issues per year.
Editor: Buletinul AȘM. Științe medicale (Editorial Office).