Instructions for Authors
MS Word template for the contribution can be downloaded here. Use of this template is mandatory.
Please ensure that your submission contains the following items in separate Microsoft Word files:
- Letter of copyright transfer
- The manuscript with all schemes, figures, tables integrated in the text (template)
- Authors should provide their ORCID identifier if exist
These should be sent in an e-mail to: Journal Editor, e-mail:[email protected]
Authors will be notified by email if their contribution is received and accepted.
Proofs will be dispatched via e-mail and should be returned to the publisher with corrections as quickly as possible.
The materials that are sent for publication to the editorial office of the journal “Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Medical Sciences” will include: the typewritten version at two intervals with a font size of 14 points, on one side of the sheet, in a single copy (with the visa of the head of the institution where the paper was prepared, confirmed by the round stamp) and two reviews of the article, electronic version on CD in Microsoft Word 6.0-10.0 format. The manuscripts, accompanied by a request for publication from the authors, will be presented at the editorial office of the journal at the address: MD-2001, Chisinau, bd. Stephen the Great 1, et. 3, office 330, tel: 27-07-57. Articles that have appeared in other medical publications will not be accepted for publication. One and the same person may publish in the pages of the journal (may be author and co-author) no more than three articles.
The articles will include in the respective order the following elements:
- concise title, reflecting the content of the paper;
- full name and surname of the author, professional and scientific titles, name of the institution where the author works;
- introduction, materials and methods, results, discussions and conclusions, bibliography;
- abstracts in Romanian, English and Russian with translated title (required);
- bibliographic references, which must include: authors (name and initial of the first name), title of the cited article (in the original language), journal (with international abbreviation), year of publication, volume, number of pages. Ex: 1. Devaney EJ, Esophagectomy for achalasia: patient selection and clinical experience. Thorac. Surg., 2001; 72 (3): 854-8.
- the size of the texts (including bibliography) will not exceed 11 pages for a general paper, 10 pages for an original research, 5 pages for a case presentation, 1 page for a review, 1 page for a summary of a paper published abroad. The size of a figure or a table will be at most tip A4 type page, and the number of tables and figures in the text will be at most half minus one of the number of typed pages.
The photos, the drawings will be of quality, being presented in original (or scanned at a resolution of 300 dpi in TIFF format). Articles that do not meet the above requirements will be returned to the authors for the necessary changes. The editorial office is not responsible for the veracity of the published materials.