Peer review process
“Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Medical sciences” follows the double-blind peer-review procedure for submitted of all manuscripts. The identity of the reviewers is not disclosed to the authors of the submitted manuscript. The anonymity of reviewers allows for objective assessment of the manuscript by reviewers and is free from any influence by the authors on the reviewer’s comments.
The journal publishes articles that meet the standards of scientific publications and have not been published in other journals, books or editorials, are original, relevant, contain correct data, include bibliographic references, etc. The materials sent to the editorial office for publication cannot be the subject of the offer to other publications until after receiving the negative answer from the editorial office of the journal “Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Medical sciences”. The editorial board has the right to reject materials that do not correspond to scientific / methodological-didactic standards and may request the authors to revise the texts to meet the specific professional requirements of the journal. The studies and articles sent to our journal for publication are reviewed (peer review procedure) and subject to scientific control. The peer review procedure is performed by specialized references. Reviewers are not members of the editorial board.Recent experts are identified by the editor-in-chief (2 independent external scientists for each article). The reviewed articles are accepted by the editorial board for publication or rejection of scientific materials. The article review process is based on certain rigorous assessment criteria, such as:
- informative character;
- scientific substantiation and relevance of information;
- article structure (title, author, abstract, keywords, introduction, content, conclusions, bibliographic references);
- clarity, conciseness and accuracy of the text of the article;
- accessibility and understanding;
- relevance and usefulness of research;
- level of creativity; novelty and innovation;
- grammatical, stylistic correctness.
Submitted manuscripts, which are found to contain plagiarized text, are rejected.The responsibility for the originality and statements stated in the article rests entirely with the author. In case of plagiarism, the responsibility lies exclusively with the perpetrator of the plagiarism.