The experience of bone grafting of dento-alveolar gaps in patients with cleft lip and palate


  • Egor POROSENCOV Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu”



cleft, alveolar defect, bone graft


The article presents the methods of recovery of alveolo-dental gaps in patients with clefts. Grafts from the iliac crest, the symphysis and the mandible branch were collected. Following the research results, the bone grafting provides a support for remodeling the dental arch with an intact periodontium in the cleft area. At the same time, it provides enough bone for implantation. According to clinical and radiological assessments, no significant differences were recorded between these 3 graft materials. Importance is given to the receiving area as well as to the volume of the defect.

Author Biography

Egor POROSENCOV, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu”

asist. univ.; Catedra de chirurgie oro-maxilo-facială pediatrică și pedodonție „Ion Lupan”


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Research Article