Soluţionarea chirurgicală a leziunilor traumatice polisegmentare a coloanei cervicale pe fundal de degenerescenţe avansate: (Prezentare de caz)


  • Pulbere Oleg


We are presenting the results of treatment performed on a 43-year-old patient with traumatic subluxation of C3 vertebra and a traumatic rupture of the C5 disc complicated by hernia with compression of the CVI spinal nerve and upper mono-paresis. These changes were observed on the background of severe spondylotic changes of the cervical spine and kyphotic deformity. Pacient was consulted by orthopedists and neurosurgeon, the above-mentioned symptoms was appreciated as insignificant and conservative immobilization treatment was recommended despite the painful condition and neurologic deficit. An appropriate surgical treatment was carried out by way of interbody fusion of C3-4 and C5-6 segments and anterior fixation C3-6 by plate. After surgery the radicular syndrome and instability in the cervical spine was eliminated, the patient embarked on a early recuperation treatment. In the author’s opinion, patients with this type of pathology undergoing such active processes recuperate more effectively and tend to recover from functional and social rehabilitation much sooner.





Research Article