Characteristics of deaths by recurrence of lung tuberculosis


  • Ion Haidarlî IMSP Institutul de Ftiziopneumologie „Chiril Draganiuc”
  • Elena Tudor IMSP Institutul de Ftiziopneumologie „Chiril Draganiuc”
  • Sofia Alexandru IMSP Institutul de Ftiziopneumologie „Chiril Draganiuc”
  • Lidia Rîvneac
  • Valentina Bolotnicov
  • Evghenia Cula
  • Mariana Guţu-Grecu
  • Irina Marusceac



tuberculosis, recurrence, mortality


From the existent data about the mortality through recedived pulmonary tuberculosis there were analyzed specific particularities of these in 2015-2017. So, the mortality through tuberculosis recidived and its complications constitution 1,26%000 in 2015, 1,38%ооо in 2016 and 1,42%000 in 2017. The mortality determined by the respiratory localization of the tuberculosis is much bigger (99,6%) than the one determined by the extrarespiratory localization of the disease (0,4%). The majority of the deaths through tuberculosis are produced in the period of 31-65 years (87,2%). The peak of the mortality curbe at men is the situated at the group of people at the age of 51-65 years and at women — at the group of people at the age of 41-65 years

Author Biographies

Ion Haidarlî, IMSP Institutul de Ftiziopneumologie „Chiril Draganiuc”

dr. hab. şt. med., membru-coresp. AŞMM

Elena Tudor, IMSP Institutul de Ftiziopneumologie „Chiril Draganiuc”

dr. în şt. med., conf. cercet., membru-coresp. AŞMM

Sofia Alexandru, IMSP Institutul de Ftiziopneumologie „Chiril Draganiuc”

master în managementul sănătăţii publice

Lidia Rîvneac

dr. în şt. med., conf. cercet

Valentina Bolotnicov

dr. în şt. med., conf. cercet


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Research Article