Epidemiological and clinical significance of medico-social predictors and determinants in the development of relapses of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults and the management of medical asistance.


  • Elena TUDOR IMSP IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc", Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova
  • Constantin IAVORSCHI IMSP IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc", Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova; IP State University of Medicine and pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu", Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova
  • Albina BRUMARU IMSP IMSP Institutul de Ftiziopneumologie „Chiril Draganiuc”, Chișinau, Republica Moldova;
  • Valentina BOLOTNICOVA IMSP IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc", Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova;
  • Anna MOSCOVCIUC IMSP IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc", Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova;
  • Andrei CORLOTEANU IMSP IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc", Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova;
  • Stela KULCHITSKAIA IMSP IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc", Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova; IP State University of Medicine and pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu", Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova




pulmonary tuberculosis, relapse, risk factors, determinants, medical care, social protection


The article presents data indicating that at present one of the most important clinical problems is the relapse of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in persons from groups of medical and social risk. It is shown the frequency of the main medico-social predictors and determinants that have the greatest influence on the epidemic situation for tuberculosis. And, itwas also determined their role in the development, course and outcomes of relapses.It was found that the revealed features of pulmonary TB relapses in people with different social structures, includingsocially maladjusted categories of the population, indicate the need for differentiated measures for their timely detectionand prevention. An action plan and a number of activities focused on the needs of people, ensuring the optimization of theprovision of anti-tuberculosis care and social protection of this category of patients, are described.

Author Biographies

Elena TUDOR, IMSP IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc", Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova

dr. în șt. med., conf. cercet. membru-coresp. AȘMM

Constantin IAVORSCHI, IMSP IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc", Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova; IP State University of Medicine and pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu", Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova

dr. hab. în șt. med., prof. cercet., acad. AȘMM

Albina BRUMARU, IMSP IMSP Institutul de Ftiziopneumologie „Chiril Draganiuc”, Chișinau, Republica Moldova;

dr. în șt. med., conf. cercet

Valentina BOLOTNICOVA, IMSP IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc", Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova;

dr.în șt.med., conf.cercet

Anna MOSCOVCIUC, IMSP IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc", Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova;

dr. în șt. med., conf. cercet

Stela KULCHITSKAIA, IMSP IMSP Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc", Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova; IP State University of Medicine and pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu", Chisinau, Republic Of Moldova

dr. în șt. med., conf. univer.


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Research Article