Intraoperative complications of multiple caesarean sections (literature review).
cesarean section, multiple cesarean sections, intraoperative complications, intraoperative difficultiesAbstract
Multiple caesarean sections increase the risk of intraoperative complications: adhesions, damage to the pelvic organs (bladder, ureters, intestines), bleeding with the need for blood transfusion, abnormal placentation, hysterectomy for cae- sarean section, failure of the uterine scar, uterine rupture. The frequency of these complications increases in proportion to the number of previous caesarean sections. Although a causal relationship is often difficult to establish, some of these complications are likely related to surgically induced adhesions.
Repeated cesarean section operations are associated with more complex surgical interventions: difficulties in opening the abdominal cavity, difficult separation of the uterus, bladder and ureters from adhesions, the need for blood transfusion and surgical correction of damage to neighboring organs (bladder, ureters, intestines), the need for additional surgical intervention such as hysterectomy .
Reducing unnecessary primary caesarean sections and repeat caesarean sections, post-caesarean vaginal delivery, and careful surgical technique can significantly reduce intraoperative surgical complications.
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