Characteristic of the spectrum of free amine acids in the blood in drug-resistant pulmonary tuber- culosis and the possibilities of correction of its diregulations.
drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis, DOTS plus schemes, hyperosmolar mixture of amine acidsAbstract
The study is prospective, controlled, monocentric, randomized, descriptive-interventional, which proves the superiority of the treatment of drug – resistant pulmonary tuberculosis patients with thematic methods supplemented by the administration of the hyperosmolar mixture of аmine acids - Aminol and the lymphotropic use of isoniazid solution, compared to the routine medication performed according to the DOTS plus schemes.
Джугостран В., Антипа В., Гараева С. и др. Коррекция белкового метаболизма при туберкулезе препаратом Аминол. В сб.: Сучаснi проблеми епiдемiологii, мiкробiологii, гiгiени та туберкульозу. Лвiв;244-245.
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