Prognostic evaluation of children diagnosed with intracerebral tumors associated by an obstructive hydrocephalus (own results)


  • Angela LEANCA IMSP Spitalul Clinic Municipal de Copii “V. Ignatenco”



brain tumors, obstructive hydrocephalus, child, evaluation, prognosis


Tumors of the Central Nervous System (CNS) in children are a special chapter of morbidity, caused by organic and neuropsychological damage. Intracerebral tumors are the most common solid forms at child (2.7 per 100,000 children annually), occupying a large part of the medical care of the child.Having different forms, from the point of view of tissue origin, localization, dissemination, clinical picture, evolution over time and onset (from neonatal to adolescent), significant advances have been made in the diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors. So that at present, the therapeutic approach and their dispensarisation involve a multidisciplinary pediatric neuroscience team consisting of neuropediatry, pediatric, neurosurgeon, oncologist, neuroradiologist, psychologist. The therapeutic decision in brain tumors in the child should be based on the conclusions of a multidisciplinary team. The goal of surgical treatment of brain tumors by a neurosurgeon is to improve the state and avoiding therapeutic errors, preventing long-term neurological sequelae and quality of life of the child.


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