Ethical dilemmas in imaging diagnosis


  • Nadejda PISARENCO Public Health Institution Municipal Clinical Hospital of Phthisiopneumology



imaging diagnosis, radiology, ethical principles and dilemmas, moral assessment, medical ethics


The article highlights the important role of imaging diagnosis in diagnosing and evaluating diseases. It emphasizes that in the modern stage of imaging diagnosis, ethical principles such as fairness, patient welfare, confidentiality, and consent play a central role. Attention is drawn to the fact that the application of these principles is accompanied by ethical dilemmas. In this sense, an assessment is made of these dilemmas, as well as of the rules of appropriate interaction of medical workers with patients. It is concluded that, considering the rapid development of technologies and patients’ needs, there is a need for constant discussion and analysis of ethical issues in imaging diagnosis.

Author Biography

Nadejda PISARENCO, Public Health Institution Municipal Clinical Hospital of Phthisiopneumology

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor at the University.


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Research Article
