Anestezia cu sevofluran la pacientul pediatric – premieră pentru Republica Moldova. Consideraţii generale/aspecte controversate


  • Gudumac Eva Mihail Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“
  • Munteanu Gabriela
  • Malanco Serghei


Inhalational anesthesia is the preferred technique of induction in the paediatric age group. Halothane with its negligible pungency and minimal effects on airway reactivity has been the cornerstone of paediatric inhalational induction and continues to be the inhalational agent of choice for pediatric anesthesia in our country despite its propensity to cause bradycardia, hypotension and arrhythmias. Continued research to manufacture an inhalational agent which would match the induction properties of halothane, with minimal cardiac and hepatic side effects and requiring lesser time for induction and emergence led to the introduction of sevofl urane which is nowadays largely used in developed countries. For the thirst time in Moldova we had the possibility to work with sevofl urane and apply this anesthesia technique in children. This study was undertaken to compare induction, maintenance and emergence characteristics of sevofl urane seen in our patients and reported to numerous clinical trials done all over the world. Review of the literature suggests that sevofl urane has a defi nite place in the practice of anaesthesia. This agent is clearly a suitable alternative to halothane for the induction and maintenance of general anaesthesia in paediatric patients when considered appropriate. On the other hand Sevofl urane may be a major contributory factor in the development of emergence delirium which may not really be of net benefi t in children, as this can precipitate an episode of acute pain or distress. Analgesic strategies must be strictly implemented in order to minimise such recovery room events.






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