Particularităţi în reabilitarea medico-socială a persoanelor cu dizabilităţi mentale şi de comportament în serviciul expertizei medicale a vitalităţii


  • Israfilov Marina


Mental and behavior disorders had become a huge medico-social problem, constituting an important source of disabilities, occupying the fi rst 5 positions of those 10 of the maladies hierarchy. Nearly 50% of those more than 60 000 psychic infi rms being on dispenser evidence in the Republic of Moldova benefi ting of an invalidity group, constituting the most vulnerable society class. The psychic maladies continue to affect in big proportions the population, including the working part of it, the children and teen-agers, which represents a source of disequilibrium of the social micro groups (the family, the work, the school etc). All this makes necessary the elaboration, recommended to the person with disabilities, used for helping these persons to attend and to keep an optimal level of physical activity, intellectual, psychical and/or social.






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