Adresabilitatea la mediculneurolog a elevilor din instituţiile de оnvăţămвnt secundar profesional din Republica Moldova


  • Zepca Victor


Th e addressability to the neurologist, in order to make a control in absence of the apparent disease or health problems, is an important factor in the early detection of diseases and their eff ective treatment. Using the questionnaire method, in a sample of 764 persons (344 – the girls, 420 – boys) we had collected information about the pupils` visits to the specialist doctors, including the neurologist. Th e main purposes of the pupils who addressed to the specialist doctor were the problems of health (the disease), accident (gash/lesion), the procedures of vaccination or to take some medical documents (certifi cate) and less with the purpose of a preventive medical control in the absence of a sickness or of a health problem. Th e addressability to the neurologist is ranked on the 3rd place by girls (9.3% of the reported visits) on the site 4th place by boys (6.1%). Th e share of girls, which address for health care to the neurologist, is increasing during the years of study and is in the fi rst year of study 7.1% from the total number of visits, in the second year – 8.5% and in the third year – 12.2%. Most frequent the boys in the third year address the neurologist (13.6%), while addressability to this specialist in fi rst year (2.2%) and second year (2.3%) is comparatively low. According to the addressability of the students to the physician, the neurologist lies in the top of most sought experts.





Research Article