Un procedeu original de construcţie şi utilizare a lamboului nazogenian


  • Rotaru Alexandru
  • Rotaru H.
  • Baciut Grigore
  • Baciut Mihaela
  • Hurubeanu Lucia
  • Campian Radu Septimiu
  • Dinu C.
  • Moldovan Ion
  • Bran Simion
  • Rotaru O


Introduction. The classical naso-labial fl ap used for the reconstruction of tongue and oral floor presents multiple drawbacks. As an alternative to the classical one we present an original procedure of preparation of the naso-labial fl ap evaluated after seven years of use. Material and Method. The procedure we used was fi rst applied in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic in Cluj-Napoca seven years ago on patients suffering from tongue and/or oral floor malignancies in order to reconstruct these anatomical areas after the excision of the tumours in oncological safe limits. Most of its preparation procedure was made according to the classical method with some modifi cations in the preparation of its base. In order to enhance its covering area and functional availability and to eliminate some drawbacks, the route to the receptor area was changed. The submandibular course was used instead of the transbuccal one. Results. In all 21 patients who underwent surgery, a considerable enhancement of fl ap covering availability was obtained. It was able to cover defects ranging from the posterior limits of the tongue and oral fl oor to the tongue tip even beyond the midline. Unlike in the classical method there was no need to perform tooth extractions in dentulous patients. It is a one step procedure. Thus, the second step of the classical method was eliminated. Conclusions. The naso-labial fl ap with submandibular course offers covering and functional availability superior than the classical one with transbuccal route. It preserves and reconstructs the perimandibular anatomical sites. It also shortens the surgical treatment period of tongue and oral floor malignancies.





Research Article