Ingineria tisulară în chirurgia malformaţiilor cardiace congenitale


  • Ciubotaru Anatol
  • Ghidirim Gheorghe Petru Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“
  • Gudumac Eva Mihail Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“
  • Maniuc Liviu
  • Cheptanaru Eduard
  • Barnaciuc Sergiu


Cardiac valvular defects, both congenital and aquired have a negative impact on the health of population in the entire world. In the Republic of Moldova, there is a mumber of over 3.000 rheumatismal patients in need for valve replacement. Besides, there are patients suffering of congenital, degenerative and arterosclerotic valvular diseases, thus increasing the overall number of patients in need for biological and mechanical valve replacement. Approximately 55% of utilized valves in the world are mechanical and 45% are biological, with growing tendency in the last years toward usage of biological prostheses. By prolonging the life of patients, on the other hand these valves possess a large number of defi ciencies and provide a negative impact on health and quality of life. Concepts of tissue engineering to overcome these problems include the development of viable constructs based on xenogenic matrices. Disadvantages of this method may be unknown transfer of animal related infectious diseases, e.g. PERV, and unknown xenogenic rejection patterns. Also, the size of porcine matrices may be limited. Our clinical research in this pioneering fi eld of tissue engineering with an unique world-wide experience in clinical application of this technology promotes scientifi c culture and implimentation of a new technological achievements in our country, thus, strengthening the role and position of the moldovan medical science on the international scientifi c arena.





Research Article