Возможности и перспективы в лечении хронического болевого синдрома у больных с онкопатологией органов грудной клетки в III-IV стадиях


  • Doruc Sergiu


In our country for patients with for the fi rst time established diagnosis of a malignant new growth of bodies of a thorax more than in 50 cases diagnose III-IV stage (T1-3N2M0, T any N any M1). Thus about 40% patients with local process and 60-87% with generalized stage of diseases test pains, from moderated up to strong. Considering, that the painful syndrome has multifaktorial character its treatment should answer following principles: effi ciency, availability, safety. Thus, at each patient search of indications, a choice of drugs and modes of anesthesia should be based on the recommendations the World Health Organization services focused on out of hospital help by oncological patients.





Research Article