Patternul tulburărilor de somn la pacienţii cu cefalee primară în cadrul primului studiu epidemiologic al cefaleelor şi tulburărilor de somn în Republica Moldova


  • Rotaru Lilia


The goal of the study was to investigate the prevalence of sleep disorders in general population of Republic of Moldova; and the analysis sleep disturbances characteristics in headache sufferers. A complex questionnaire based on the International Headache Classifi cation and the Criteria of International Society of sleep disorders was performed. Two thousand six hundred and sixty fi ve persons were included in the study. One thousand four hundred and thirty nine of the investigated persons (54%) have had headaches. The prevalence of sleep disorders was twice bigger in headache patients than in headache free persons. The most frequent sleep disturbance was the diffi culty falling asleep. Comparatively small number of patients utilize hypnotics and the most frequently received drugs are the benzodiazepines.





Research Article