Oсобенности иммунного ответа у больных с впервые выявленным диссеминированным туберкулезом легких и рецидивами заболевания в процессе этиотропной терапии


  • Şovcun L.
  • Romanţeva N.
  • Volodico N.


Characteristics of the immune response among the patients with newly diagnosed disseminated tuberculosis and relapse in the process of etiotropic therapy There was carried out an immunological survey of 46 patients with disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis. It is established, that the disseminated tuberculosis, both newly or relapsed, developed on a background of reduced T-helper link activity, however the immune status abnormalities are more expressed among the patients with relapses of disease. Etiotropic therapy causes oppression of Тh-1 type and stimulation of T-helper 2 types, thus among the patients with disseminated tuberculosis relapses comes more expressed immunosuppression.





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