Modern ideas about the mechanisms of malignant transformation lung cancer


  • Şutkin Vladimir
  • Imyanitov Evghenii
  • Stratan Valentina Gheorghe IMSP Institutul Oncologic
  • Bîlba Valeriu
  • Brenişter Sergiu


The last 30 years have witnessed of truly revolutionary events in fundamental oncology. The rapid development of molecular genetics, in particular the discovery of oncogenes and anti-oncogenes, radically modified the concepts of the mechanisms appearance tumors. Nevertheless, it is assumed that progress in the field of theoretical barely affected by the state of affairs in practical oncology. Contents of this paper are intended to demonstrate the failure of such statements. Indeed, if the 70s and 80s. XX century were characterized by progress predominantly in the experimental area, the symbol of the last decade it became practical achievements of molecular oncology. By now the most notable successes marked in the development of laboratory methods for detection of cancer risk groups, search for diagnostic and prognostic markers neoplasm’s develop pathogenetic approaches to chemoprevention and chemotherapy of lung cancer.






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