
  • Corneliu URECHE Spitalul „Repromed+”


Cuvinte cheie:

sarcină, cancer mamar, tratament chirurgical, provocări, particularități


In the conditions of the decentralization of the Oncology Service, the problem of breast cancer associated with pregnancy remains a clinical, medico-social, surgical, but also complex problem, at the intersection between the scientific and practical-oncological disciplines, obstetrics and gynecology and specialized surgery, which also imposes many challenges, in the world the cases of breast cancer associated with pregnancy increase annually. About 4% of breast cancers are associated with pregnancy, and require solving both the pregnancy and the complex and combined and primarily surgical treatment. Namely, multiple problems and challenges are imposed on this department, as well as specific peculiarities of both general, oncological and obstetric surgery. For the first time, a survey of general surgeons, mammological oncologists and specialists in obstetrics and gynecology was carried out to initiate specialized research in this field.The challenges and particularities of surgical treatment in patients with breast cancer were established through questionnaires, in-depth interviews and focus groups and scientifically highlighted hierarchically.

Biografie autor

Corneliu URECHE, Spitalul „Repromed+”

doctor în științe medicale


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