Современные возможности реабилитации голосовой функции у больных раком гортани


  • Uşacov Vladimir


The author informs results of restoration of a vote at the patients by a carcinoma of larynges in a stage T1N0M0-T3N0N0. On developed rehabilitation to the programs with 1998 for 2002 153 patients were subjected to treatment. To 31 patients was executed chordactomy with one moment by plastic reconstruction removed vocal chord. To 122 patients were executed removed larynges on developed by the authors to techniques. Restoration of a measure included performance of plastic operations with use of local fabrics and synthetic polymers. The important stages for restoration of a voice were logaoedics of employment. The combination of surgical and conservative measures has allowed at 70 % of the patients to save work capacity and social activity.





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