Celule Stem în procesul de regenerare a ţesuturilor scheletice


  • Ababii Ion Ion Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“
  • Nacu Viorel
  • Topor Boris
  • Ciobanu Pavel
  • Gornea Filip
  • Bairac Vasile
  • Doni Nicolae


The ability of grafts containing autogenous bone marrow cells; alogenous cord blood cells with alogenic demineralized bone to stimulate bone formation in the critical rabbit radial bone defect was studied. The experimental research was carried out on 55 adults (12-13 months), rabbits (body weight 3,0-3,5kg). The radial bone was cut transversely and made a bone defect of 20 mm long. The animals were divided in fi ve experimental groups: fi rst – was injected Dulbecco Modifi ed Eagle Medium (DMEM); second – morselized autogenous cortico-cancelous bone from iliac crest; third – decalcifi ed bone matrix and autogenous bone marrow cells; the fourth - decalcifi ed bone matrix and alogenic cord blood cells; the fi fth – the autogenous bone marrow cells. The combination of the grafts from demineralized morcelized alogenous bone with autogenous bone marrow cells or cord blood cells provides active and uniform osteogenesis in to the bone defect comparable with the autogenous cancelous bone. In cases where was used only the suspension of bone marrow cells the osteogenesis was active, but the bone formation is more slowly and not uniform.






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