Diagnosticul afecţiunelor displazice lombosacrate ale coloanei vertebrale la copii cu sindrom algic lombar. Modalităţi ortopedice şi chirurgicale în tratament


  • Şavga Nicolae


The experience of determining the standard imagistic aspects and CT 3-D in dysplastic disorders of the vertebra segment elements is presented as one of the frequent causes of the algic lombary syndrome in infants. Data obtained allowed the performance of the appreciation of ethiopathogenesis of the diagnostics and changes in the strategy of the medical-surgical treatment of these pacients. The experience in aspects determination, choosing of ortopedical and surgical attitude and optimal volume of intervention in some cases of dysplastic lesions of the spinal structures at the lumbo-sacral level is presented. The optimal correction of the dysplastic elements leads to pain syndrome disappearance and allows preventing distant installation of the degenerative processes at the lumbo- sacral level of the vertebral column.






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