Modificările decelabile în sistemul renin-angiotensin-aldosteron şi al vasopresinei la pacienţii cu valvulopatii mitrale asociate şi insuficienţă cardiacă cronică congestivă


  • Dănilă Aurelian


The study of 74 cases of patients with mitral valvular heart disease, aged between 35 and 75 years was performed with the determination of renin serum activity (RSA), angiotensin II (AII), aldosteron (ALD) and vasopressin (VP) in blood. The patients were divided in two groups – fi rst group the patients with middle age of 48 ± 1,3 years and second one with middle age of 64,2 ± 1,1 years. Mitral valvular heart disease with the prevalence of mitral stenosis (MV>S) was established at 49 patients and 25 subjects with mitral valvular heart disease the prevalence of mitral insuffi ciency (MV>I) was found. The values of RSA, AII, ALD, VP were compared at patients with different ages, type of mitral valvular heart disease, heart failure stage and initiated treatment. We concluded that the values of RSA, AII, ALD and VP at patients with mitral valvular heart disease at different ages do not differ veridical, except 60 – 75 old ages. With the progression of chronic heart failure, this neurohormonal parameters increase substantially, except patients with mitral disease with the prevalence of mitral stenosis (MV>S), at which RSA were authentically higher than subjects with MV > I. Dramatically increased renin serum activity can be fatal for patients with advanced heart failure. The administration of such drugs as B – blockers, calcium antagonists and IEC is clinically benefi cial.






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