Predictors of the effectiveness of treatment of tuberculosis patients with the development of the COVID-19 pandemic in the region of the Russian Federation.


  • VLADISLAV KOLOMIETS Kursk State Medical University
  • Elizaveta PAVLENCO Kursk State Medical University
  • Kirill ROTENCO Kursk State Medical University



predictors, treatment, tuberculosis, pandemic, adherence


With an unstable epidemic situation for tuberculosis, with the development of a pandemic of another etiology, the importance of effective treatment of the disease increases. The results of observation of 326 patients were used and the influence of individual predictors of efficacy, including individual gene polymorphisms of xenobiotic biotransformation enzymes and patient adherence to treatment were analyzed. The value of the patient’s commitment to treatment as a predictor of effectiveness has been established, it is justified and necessary to use it to correct the main course of treatment. When consulting and managing patients with tuberculosis as a multifactorial disease, it is recommended to use methods of testing the polymorphism of genes of xenobiotic biotransformation enzymes in order to predict possible complications and the effectiveness of treatment, followed by the appointment of individual therapeutic and preventive measures.

Author Biographies

VLADISLAV KOLOMIETS, Kursk State Medical University

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Elizaveta PAVLENCO, Kursk State Medical University


Kirill ROTENCO, Kursk State Medical University



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Research Article
