Implementation of the management system of quality in the framework IMSP Municipal Clinical Hospital „Gheorghe Paladi”


  • Ion ARTENI IMSP Spitalul Clinic Municipal ,,Gheorghe Paladi”
  • Vasile GUZUN IMSP Spitalul Clinic Municipal ,,Gheorghe Paladi”
  • Iurie CRASIUC IMSP Spitalul Clinic Municipal ,,Gheorghe Paladi”



Council of Quality, quality of medical Services, instituţional quality management


The quality management system can be defined as a set of actions and planned quality measures that ensure that the product in question meets the quality requirements of documentation prepared in accordance with European or international (ISO) standards.

Within the Public Medical Institution, the “Gheorghe Paladi” Municipal Clinical Hospital, starting with 2008, the Quality Council was created, which is a collective working body that aims to reduce or eliminate the existing non-conformities detected and improve the quality of the services provided.Quality management, along with human resources, financial and strategic management, represent integral parts of the general management of the hospital and are important components of institutional policy and strategy development, as a provider of medical services.

The quality council has manifested itself as an important structure within the hospital, based on the principles of autonomy, self-control, evaluation of the activity of the subdivisions of the institution, applying to the principle of internal audit with also has the right to make recommendations in order to increase the quality of the provided medical services.

Thus, due to present competition between medical institutions, Municipal Clinical Hospital ,,Gheorghe Paladi” is motivated activly to take part in compliance regulation for quality assurance, to develop and support continuous quality improvement processes in hospital.

Author Biographies

Ion ARTENI, IMSP Spitalul Clinic Municipal ,,Gheorghe Paladi”

vicedirector medical, conf. univ.

Vasile GUZUN , IMSP Spitalul Clinic Municipal ,,Gheorghe Paladi”

manager al sistemelor de management al calității medicale, asist. univ.

Iurie CRASIUC , IMSP Spitalul Clinic Municipal ,,Gheorghe Paladi”



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Research Article